Saturday, April 26, 2008

you should do something that is difficult like to devote a lot of time in creating something for her..something beautiful,like a big puzzle..but the best answer is to show you are in love with her every day!you know,look at her in your way,take care of her..if you do like her then you could do this!show her she can trust you..if so,she will get it!believe me...all it needs is time and love!good luck

5:11 AM

love is different in everyones is respect, loyalty, friendship, wanting nothing but happiness with that one person, having someone that makes you smile everyday, trusting that person with your heart and knowing they will never hurt you, being able to picture yourself old together, taking care of each other equally, love never fails, love is kind and love is not jealous....if you dont have all of this then it is not love.......

5:09 AM

it is more than what can be explained. but this is the definition, sorry it is so long, i actually cut it short, this isnt all.

1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
3. sexual passion or desire.
4. a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.
5. (used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love?
6. a love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour.
7. sexual intercourse; copulation.
8. (initial capital letter) a personification of sexual affection, as Eros or Cupid.
9. affectionate concern for the well-being of others: the love of one's neighbor.
10. strong predilection, enthusiasm, or liking for anything: her love of books.
11. the object or thing so liked: The theater was her great love.
12. the benevolent affection of God for His creatures, or the reverent affection due from them to God.
13. Chiefly Tennis. a score of zero; nothing.
14. a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter L.
–verb (used with object) 15. to have love or affection for: All her pupils love her.
16. to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for (another person).
17. to have a strong liking for; take great pleasure in: to love music.
18. to need or require; benefit greatly from: Plants love sunlight.
19. to embrace and kiss (someone), as a lover.
20. to have sexual intercourse with.
–verb (used without object) 21. to have love or affection for another person; be in love.
—Verb phrase

5:05 AM

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

You've got to heal, which takes time, and depending on what you need, it could take awhile.

You will question yourself and what you did. And you'll have to forgive yourself. And then you will have to somehow forgive him. It's awfully hard to do either of them. Maybe you'll just get to a point where you're at peace with it.

No matter what, you need answers. I don't know what sort of human being he is, but if there's a 3rd party who is willing to moderate an "exit interview" you should ask all of the questions you need to move on. He owes you that much. And if he won't give it to you, there's your answer right there - he is a fraud and everything you know is wrong.

Just get some time with him, ask all of the ugly questions you never want to know like "Is she better than me in bed" because you may not get that chance again and you don't want those things eating away at you. Closure comes from answers, seeing someone's true nature by correcting your perspective or both.

Best of luck. You're not in an enviable position.

4:39 AM

And I don't regret the rain
Or the nights I felt the pain
Or the tears I had to cry
Some of those times along the way.
Every road I had to take,
Every time my heart would break,
It was just something that I had to get through,
To get me to you.

this is kinda poem! i liked it very much!

4:38 AM

Here are some of my favourite love quotes.

Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.

Where there is love there is life

Darkness can not drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

Love is the only gold.

If you have it [Love], you don't need to have anything else, and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter much what else you have.

To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage.

You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.

Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude.

4:36 AM

Friday, April 18, 2008

different ones like making love, kissing with a lot of passion (try it in the rain), hugging like you NEVER want to let go, saying "I Love You", saying how you feel and etc.

6:24 PM

It brings to you a feeling of belonging.. it depends on whether you are playing around or invested in your partner.. sometimes it brings wonders into your life.. other times its a sad story.. you know the saying..
" it is better to have love and lost, then to not love at all' or something like that, well it is true..The most wonderful feeling in the whole world. like you are floating on clouds, like as soon as he leaves for the night to go home you miss him as soon the door closes behind him, the magical feeling in your stomach when he kisses you that special kiss. but love is not only the mushy, gushy stuff, love is sticking with someone through thick and thin, be there for him/her no matter what. i could go on all day about this, so im just going to stop right now. hope this helps.

6:23 PM

What is fate?

Is fate real?

What I have noticed is that fate is a thinking force that manipulates the world around you, and as you make choices, certain things, at fate's whim, can be changed by altering many things around you.

Therefore, free will is a myth. Yes, in small things you can decide for yourself, but in many large things, with just a snap of a finger, something very powerful and invisible can change your life.

Some people have the power to sense this happening, while others can't. Some people attract more attention from Fate while others don't.

What is fate?

God? The Devil? Aliens? Angels? Spirits?

I don't know what fate is, but I KNOW it exists and moves in my life, for good and for bad.

I am currently battling a romantic battle with Fate. I am trying to beat Fate and hold on to the one I love.

6:22 PM

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

of all jewelry diamond is my favorite. Diamonds initially used as a status symbol have now come to be known as a symbol of the love of a man towards his lady. This is so because of the wrong portray of these glittering gems by advertisers and media. Within the past few years diamonds have become a vogue in engagement rings. Since engagement rings are, more often than not, diamonds rings, the bond a couple shares with it and hence with the diamond is impeccable.Diamonds being rare gems are pretty expensive; also the diamond facet can be utilized for personal use before it refunded or exchanged and so diamonds form a good investment. But they should not be considered as the only mode of investment.There are many aspects that determine the value of the diamonds. These are commonly known as the 4C’s of diamonds- cut, color, clarity and carat.Woman feels the diamond is just closing the relationship and preparing for marriage. Diamonds are a girls best friend.
Every girl knows that song from the time she is 5 or 6. Our Daddys sing it to us.
She might be sad if she does not get a diamond b/c there is only one time in your life when you get a diamond.Can you see that I am bitter 11 years later that I did not get a diamond? I am bitter every time someone shows off an engagement ring. At least he could have gotten me a piece of clear glass that looked like a diamond, but No he got me a claddagh ring lolx.

7:13 AM

To annotate is to just add a notation that will add to your paper in some way or clarify a point. It adds to the understanding of the reader. For example I'm reading an autobiography of Helen Keller and at times she talks about someone in her life that was probably well known back in her time but not now. So there's often an annotation letting me know to whom she's referring.It means to highlight the important information and take notes on them. Also, highlight the words that you don't know, look them up, and write down (next to the word(s)) what it/they mean and to to give credit for your sources of information in an essay, term paper, etc. like a footnote (for this, put author's name like it should be--John Smith, etc.) or in the bibliography at the end (author's name--reversed in the bibliography so it can be put in alphabetical order; name of publication, novel, article, etc; city where published, publisher and date; and pages used. EXAMPLE: without quotes, however
" Smith, John. My Life (underline titles). New York, NY: Penguin Publishers, 1995; pp. 1-25." its now possible to annotate documents online through a.nnotate its fast and its easy! do visit their site for info.

7:04 AM

Monday, April 14, 2008

Cheap Bar Stool are easy to find, more so than you think. All it really takes is typing in a few words to the search banner and away you go. Locating the good bar stools dealers is very easy, namely because of the many thousands of bar stools websites that there are on the net. Imagine if the city you lived in had a bar stool store every second shop, instead of just one per corner. Most of decent bar stool stores online will do almost anything they have to when it comes to selling you their products, including offering silly low prices. This is known as a good marketplace for buyers and this what you can expect if buy from the net.If you make some to do a bit of quality research from home, you would be surprised at what you would get for your money, the same amount of money you would splash out online would maybe only get a bar stool or set of bar stools of far lower quality in the shops, here are a few ideas how you could set about doing it. Now if you have thought a lot about what you want in terms of style and price then finding bar stools won't nearly as difficult. Use whatever search engine you prefer and start your search.i highly recommend this shop called they have variety of bar stools that you can choose from its high quality!in a very reasonable price. so dont take other shop words! do visit them today

6:21 AM

"christ love"

I see some examples but not as much as there should be. Its a shame. But sometimes its hard to love the way christ did. Sometimes its so easy to hate, to get angry, to judge. I do my best not to, because I want to show "christ love" but it would be a lie to say that I am perfect at this...

and for the 100% gay guy...
Christians don't think gay's are evil. We just think that its a sin to act in that way, because that was not Gods design for us. He made woman for man... We are to told to love everyone regardless however. And I love gay people no less than I love my family or anyone else for that matter.

5:03 AM

Friday, April 11, 2008

I have seen it. There were some people, I don't even know their names, that read about my dad's passing in the paper (he was the mayor of a small town), and they came by with food. No literature, no propaganda, nothing more than a few "I'm sorry for your loss" comments and a casserole or two.

I saw it again in the way of a group of mormons who reached out to a friend of mine who was in a bad car accident. They helped by cooking for her and the kids and cleaning her house. They asked for nothing in return.

11:50 PM

God is LOVE, love is unconditional,to love someone truly is accepting them for who they are and not trying to change them into to who you want them to be. love is kind, gentle love is the greatest gift of all whether your the one giving or receiving.

11:49 PM

Thursday, April 10, 2008

"Love" is the name of a cyclops which lives on an island which Ulysses visited. After Ulysses and his men landed, they looked around the island and "Love" grabbed two of the men, dashed them against the rocks, killed them and ate them. Ulysses and his men were then imprisoned.

The next morning, "Love" dispatched two more men, then went out to tend his flocks. Ulysses and his men created a giant spear out of some wood which "Love" had brought in to build a fire. When "Love" returned that evening, Ulysses plied him with some wine which Ulysses has brought. "Love" thought the wine was just *dandy*, and asked Ulysses his name. Ulysses replied, "Noman." "Love" drank himself to sleep.

While asleep, Ulysses and his (remaining) men took the giant spear and put one end in the fire until it was a giant coal, then shoved the spear into the eye of "Love". "Love" awoke in excruciating pain, and Ulysses and his men escaped.

"Love" called aloud to all the cyclops dwelling in the caves around him. The cyclops flocked around Love's dean and inquired what had caused him to bellow so as to break their night's sleep. "Love" replied, "O friends, I die, and Noman gives the blow." They answered," If no man hurts thee, it is the stroke of Jove, and thou must bear it." After saying this, they left "Love" groaning and sightless, for "Love" is blind.

7:14 PM

Not that this is 100% accurate. People have difficulty falling in love with someone much less attractive than themselves, but to many people, a great & compatible personality can more than compensate for a person's less attractive physical traits.

7:14 PM

If you talking about Buddhist teachings, you will still suffer for another 3 times since your initial death.

IMO, try to give love to others and don't expect to 'earn' something or 'receive' something from that person.

We always think to have conditional love, which was not true in most of cases.

BTW, I very agreed what H said but I won't put that as garabe

Personally, I think the only religion (since you talked about buddhist) that explained LOVE is Christianity because God love us.

7:13 PM

Naw you're not in love. It's possible and it hard to see what's going on over the computer, but you're probably a very clingy person and you like this guy a lot and wouldn't mind having that rush of excitement that you get from this guy for the rest of your life. All of that is nice and a lot of people are looking around for something that your experiencing.

But don't be oblivious to the world around you. Even though this guy might be the best thing since sliced bread now, there's no telling how you will feel later one. People fall in and out of love all the time, and sometimes they rush into marriage because they have that relentless excitement from the person, but usually they end up in divorce court cause then end up realizing they made a mistake.

If this will work out, I'm sure he has the same feelings. But I wouldn't rush it if I were you, I'd give it some more time and see what happens. Enjoy all this, but don't let it consume you and bring you to expectations that could never be realities.

4:29 AM

You need to stop looking at this from a highly romantic view and come down to earth and look at it in a more mature and healthy way.

We meet people and get to know them--over time. We see who they are through many situations and base our opinion on that, plus we look at how they treat us and how we feel around them.

You need to take things slow, at least get to know a guy for a year and a half (experts say) before you really fall for them. This takes maturity and intelligence on both your parts. Any guy that wants to rush into a relationship is looking for one thing and doesn't care about you. Remember that.

Relationships take work. Be sure you have one with a person that has that in mind with many similar views regarding life, money and love. People with too many differences have too many obstacles to overcome.

4:29 AM

Yes there is a such thing as love at first sight.

The only issue is that many times people's minds are so clouded with other things that they may miss it or never be in a place where this type of experience may come.

It is not a bad thing that some do not experience it. No more than it makes those better who do experience it. We all have to find our own way. The more time you are spending and even wasting looking for love you could have missed the opportunity.

We get caught up in the fairy tale of he has to be like this or she has to look like that. Many times your ideal person may not necessarily look the way you envisioned them to be. They may not do the things that you want them to do. You must open yourself up to the many possibilities of life. Let go of many of your preconceptions of who that person is and just live your life to the fullest.

Quite often love is found when you are not looking for it. Stop trying to make love fit in your schedule let it just be.

4:28 AM

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

have you seen Garages in London? For years, there had always been problems within the commuter in the city of London.This included, stolen cars,car vandalized, and much more. That was until, the founder member launched Park Let Ltd.Do you need a parking space or garage, well look no further. Park Let, U.K.'s largest agent for parking spaces and garages has a lot to offer in store.Park let offers a dependable service to all people in need of space and garages.Their services include buying and selling parking spaces and garages, renting space, selling space, operating car park,make things hassle free, and many more. Their reliable access and information to find the suitable space for you can be found on their personal web page. Here, you will see different areas of location to apply for space.There are many positive outlooks to renting space. First they are cheaper compared to contract parking or local companies. Renting space or a parking lot is much more safer and gives more flexibility to your own time, and will never have to go through the hassle with parking again. Everything will become manageable within ur parking or garage space.Park Let service is helpful that in choosing your space, they are very detailed so you can make comfortable decision. In search or choosing for your space, there is alwys detailed information such as location, distance , reference, description, and so on, so forth.Park Lets services include renting parking lots and garages. They are reliable, and what's more your time will become for flexible to your own comfort.

6:49 PM

i wonder How do you say goodnight to someone from India? until some one told me taht "shubh ratri" subha means good or pure. Ratri means night.. So when you say SUBAH RATRI THAT WILL BE IN HINDI FOR GOODNIGHT. Namakaram, namashkar or namashte have same meaning but different dialect you can say this word on any occasion to greet people either you are meeting them for eg Hello or departing for eg bye. Namashte is used in wide range in India and anywhere in India in any part or region all different language background will accept and understand it. it really interesting to study India translation, good thing that has their translation and interpretation services you can read more about their other translation services there such as Hindi Translation,Farsi Translation,Sindhi Translation Arabic Translation and more.

6:08 AM

Saturday, April 5, 2008

#5 he's not my number 5 lolz.. thats our number. instead of 4 we decided to make it 5 i dont know. masyadong malas ang 4 sakin hahah. i love you babe... i really dont know what to say. ill just add pics to your friendster later. mwahhzzz

10:22 PM

Saying goodbye
Is never an easy thing
But you never said
That you'd stay forever
So if you must go
Darling I'll set you free
But I know in time
That we'll be together
I wont try to stop you now from leaving
Cuz in my heart I know
Love will lead you back
Someday I just know that
Love will lead you back to my arms
Where you belong
Sure as stars are shining
One day you will find me again
It wont be long
One of these days
Our love will lead you back

One of these nights
We'll I'll hear your voice again
Your gonna say
How much u miss me
You'll walk out this door
But someday you'll walk back in
Darling I know I know this will be
Sometimes it takes
To find ur way back
Love will lead back
Someday I just no that
Love will lead u back to my arms where u belong
Sure as stars are shining
One day u will find me again
It wont be long
One of these days our love will lead you back

But I wont try to stop u now from leaving
Coz in my heart I know
Love will lead u back
Someday I no that
Love will lead u back to my arms
Where u belong
Sure as starts are shining
One day u will find me again
It wont be long
One of these days our
Love will lead u back

7:24 AM

yes im still holding on..eventhough i dont know why.. yes its love... but is it worth it? i know it is.. there's so many but and maybes and that was killing me and making me alive..till when? i dont know. all i know is i love you...

7:21 AM

Friday, April 4, 2008

yeah were back again in each others arms. and im happy i don't know why but my heart really beating so fast.its really a good feeling. im complete and i love it. i dont what im gonna say, all i know is that theres no other man can complete me but him... i love you babe... i really do..

1:50 AM

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

do you need an emergency cash? are you familiar with payday loans and its advantage? Of course, the greatest advantage of these loans is that they can bring you the much-needed cash almost instantly. In usual circumstances, you can easily get the money directly credited into your checking account the same day,payday loans have been one of the best financial tools to get some instant cash, so that you could meet some unexpected expenses that may come your way anytime of the month.There are many options to secure payday loans in person or over the Internet with direct deposit into a bank account. The Internet option is most convenient when you don’t have a car because it is in the repair shop or you are preoccupied with rushing someone to the hospital.And because online payday loans do not require reports from credit bureaus, they are open to people with bad or poor credit, are bankrupt or with no credit history at all.After approval, the applicant is made to sign a printed copy of the contract stating the loan amount and loan terms. He then faxes it to the lender together with other pertinent documents that he has listed on his can find more info at

6:17 AM

do you love flowers? do you know its importance?Flowers are vital to propagation of its species. In order to produce seeds to procreate it needs to be pollinated. The process of pollination is almost exclusively done by insects, namely bees along with butterflies, etc. even hummingbirds. They are symbiotic relationship in a sense that bees get the nectar from the flowers for food and during the process, the flower gets pollinated. Colorful flowers evolved to attract the insects. Secondary importance is for the humans to express and enjoy the beauty of flowers, especially in expressing the gesture of love, joy and death.They sustain wildlife and the Eco system in the region, trees rely upon their own flowers to extend the fertilization process. Flowers are resilient plants especially when they are trampled on for dozens of times in the local parks. This indicates their long term significance to nature. Grizzly bears in the Americas also feed on flowers when coming out of hibernation- a crucial period in which they require some sort of energy supply to replenish fat lost during the winter months. In popular culture, and in the rather embarrassing history of my great grandparents and beyond, flowers were used as metaphors in letters and personal diaries to represent the female relatives comparative beauty, in an age where natural was best.i came across this site called 1800flowers that sends beautiful flower not only to your spouse or mother but also to soldiers and military personnel around the world! they have a great purpose and its heartwarming. so show your love and be a part of sending millions of wishes to the military!

5:56 AM